Why Choose Mutual Funds?

10 Benefits You Can Enjoy for as Low as ₱1,000!

June 13, 2023 | by Erwin C. Baluyot

Mutual funds have slowly gained popularity as one of the most sought-after investment vehicles in the Philippines.

They have played a significant role in helping many Filipinos achieve their life goals and investment objectives. So, what exactly makes mutual funds a popular choice in the Philippine investing public?

Benefit #1: Professional Management

One of the main attractions of mutual funds is the professional management they offer. This is particularly beneficial for small investors who may not have the time or expertise to track and manage their investment portfolio.

Mutual funds provide the services of full-time professional fund managers who analyze the available investment products in the market and actively select those that would yield the best possible returns. These fund managers make strategic trading decisions, optimize asset allocation, and seek interest earnings and dividend yields to grow and maximize the earnings potential of the funds.

Imagine a small investor named Juan. He works a full-time job and doesn't have the time or knowledge to research and select individual stocks or bonds. Juan decides to invest in a mutual fund that is managed by a team of professional fund managers. This allows Juan to benefit from their expertise and make informed investment decisions without the need for him to actively manage his investments.

Benefit #2: Low Capital Requirement

Another advantage of mutual funds is the low capital requirement they impose on investors. While direct investments, such as purchasing Treasury Bills or stocks, often require substantial capital, mutual funds cater to investors with smaller amounts of money to invest.

Most mutual funds have a minimum initial investment amount of only Php 1,000.00 and minimum additional investments of Php 500.00. This lower capital requirement opens up investment opportunities to a wider range of individuals, including those who may not have significant funds available for investment.

For instance, let's consider Maria, a young professional who wants to start investing but doesn't have a large sum of money. Maria can easily invest in a mutual fund with just Php 5,000.00 as an initial investment. This flexibility allows her to enter the world of investments and start growing her wealth, even with a limited amount of capital.

Benefit #3: Great Equalizer for Investments

Moreover, mutual funds serve as a great equalizer in investments. The rate of return for investors is proportionate, regardless of the amount they invest. Each share in a mutual fund represents a unit of ownership, and every share earns the same amount.

If a mutual fund earns a 15% yield in one year, an investor who placed Php 1 million in the fund will receive a 15% return on investment. Similarly, investors who placed Php 10,000 will also get a 15% return. This equal opportunity for all investors, regardless of their invested amount, makes mutual funds inclusive and fair.

Let's take the example of Ricardo and Sofia. Ricardo invested Php 1 million in a mutual fund, while Sofia invested Php 10,000. Both of them experienced a 15% return on their investments, thanks to the proportional nature of mutual funds. This highlights the fact that mutual funds provide equal opportunities for both high-net-worth individuals and those with smaller investment amounts to grow their wealth.

Benefit #4: Instant Diversification

Another advantage of mutual funds is diversification. The saying "Do not put all your eggs in one basket" holds true in the world of investments, which is full of uncertainties.

Mutual funds help mitigate risk by holding several securities, which reduces the potential impact of any single investment's performance. Mutual funds are required by law to invest in a wide array of securities, providing instant diversification to investors.

Consider the case of Ana, an investor in a multi-asset mutual fund. By investing in the fund, Ana gains exposure to a diversified portfolio of various asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and money market instruments. This diversification helps protect her from the volatility of individual securities and industries, as the mutual fund spreads its investments across different areas of the market.

Benefit #5: Liquidity

Liquidity is another key advantage offered by mutual funds. Liquidity refers to the ability to readily convert investments into cash. Unlike some investments that have limited liquidity, mutual funds are highly liquid investments in the Philippines.

They usually create new shares to be sold to new investors, ensuring a continuous supply. Additionally, investors can easily sell their mutual fund shares back to the fund, with redemption proceeds typically provided within a few banking days.

Let's imagine a scenario where Miguel, an investor, needs to access his money quickly. He invested in a mutual fund and decided to redeem his shares. Within a few banking days, Miguel receives the redemption proceeds, allowing him to convert his investment into cash without significant delays. This liquidity feature provides investors with flexibility and convenience when it comes to accessing their funds.

Benefit #6: Safety and Security

Safety is a crucial consideration for most investors, and mutual funds in the Philippines are highly regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under the Investment Company Act and its implementing rules.

These regulations prohibit mutual funds from investing in certain risky products and engaging in questionable transactions. Mutual funds are required to submit regular reports to the SEC and their shareholders, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Furthermore, mutual funds hold all of their assets with highly reputable commercial banks for safekeeping. This provides an additional layer of security for investors' funds. In the Philippine context, investors in mutual funds have the right to vote during shareholders' meetings and are allowed to know where the funds are invested. This transparency and investor participation foster trust and confidence in mutual funds as a safe investment option.

Benefit #7: Potentially Higher Returns

Mutual funds also have the potential to deliver higher returns to investors. Due to their size and pooled funds, mutual funds can take advantage of economies of scale.

For example, with billions under management, mutual funds can negotiate for lower stock brokerage fees and command higher interest rates on fixed-income investments. These advantages, combined with the expertise of professional fund managers, can potentially lead to higher returns compared to individual investments.

Benefit #8: Convenience

Convenience is another notable advantage of mutual funds. In other countries, mutual funds can be purchased directly through brokers, financial planners, banks, insurance agents, and even online platforms.

While the convenience of accessing mutual funds through various channels is gradually catching up in the Philippines, there is still room for further development. Mutual funds also provide additional services, such as monthly or quarterly account statements, tax information, and 24-hour phone and computer access to fund and account information.

Benefit #9: Investment Exposure to Global Markets

Mutual funds offer an opportunity for the average Filipino to engage in the earnings potential of global stocks and multi-asset ETFs. With mutual funds, individuals gain access to these markets without the burden of extensive paperwork and the need for significant initial capital.

Directly participating in these markets often involves complex paperwork and documentation and large amounts of capital, which are not accessible for many individuals.

By investing in global mutual funds, you can start for as low as Php 5,000.

Benefit #10: Tax-Exempt

Lastly, investing in mutual funds can have tax benefits in the Philippines.

Gains realized by investors upon redemption of their mutual fund shares have been excluded from the definition of gross income since January 1, 1998.

Therefore, these gains are not subject to personal income tax. This tax-free status makes mutual funds a more profitable investment option for individuals seeking to optimize their returns.

Seek Financial Advice First

While mutual funds offer numerous advantages, it is always prudent and wise to seek the help of a reputable financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

A financial advisor can provide personalized guidance, taking into account an individual's financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon.

Additionally, it is important to consider the potential disadvantages of mutual funds, such as fees and long-term nature, which may affect an investor's objectives and earnings potential.


In conclusion, mutual funds have become increasingly popular in the Philippines due to the professional management they offer, low capital requirements, equal opportunity for investors, diversification, liquidity, safety, potentially higher returns, convenience, and tax benefits. These advantages, when combined with proper financial advice, can help individuals achieve their investment objectives and secure their financial future. Investing in mutual funds allows Filipinos from all walks of life to participate in the capital markets and potentially grow their wealth over time.

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